Boss load order fallout 3
Boss load order fallout 3

boss load order fallout 3
boss load order fallout 3

The Pitt was criticized by some for making both factions - Wernher's vicious, self-serving revolution and Ashur's Repressive, but Efficient regime - equally difficult to root for.The new ending provided by the DLC pack Broken Steel, replacing the wildly unpopular original ending while also letting you send a radiation-immune companion to activate Project Purity if you so choose.Button Gwinnett from the sidequest Stealing Independence, who is really a laughably weak Protectron that can be taken down by any weapon above 10mm pistol level, or, with a special perk, resetting his parameters back into an unprogrammed state and commanded to shutdown.Sure, they're still an imposing squad of elite soldiers, but a high-level, well-equipped player could wipe them all out without breaking a sweat. They don't even have any unique armor, weapons, or even stats. Enclave Squad Sigma from Broken Steel are hit with this trope very hard.Instead of an intense boss battle, you can pass a difficult Speech check to make him stand down, at which point he commits Seppuku. In the simulation itself, General Jingwei.The only real problem in fighting him is that he's supported by a squad of elite mooks, and those don't exactly pose a problem either if your level is high enough. Sibley in Operation: Anchorage, has only slightly more health than a normal Power Armor wearing minigun wielding mook.Ironically he can't survive as much damage as his unarmored rival Wernher, due to the later having Companion-level health. Ashur, in The Pitt has excellent armor, but isn't that much tougher than a normal Mook.note You may need to load the save before it a few times as you only have a 60% chance at convincing him due to how the Speech skill works. You can even talk your way to victory if your Speech skill is high enough. Colonel Autumn, despite being the Final Boss, can be killed with one clean critical to the head, and the two bodyguards nearby are just the same Enclave troopers you've been gunning down all game.


Furthermore, Eden's self-destruction code is in Autumn's office, not exactly well hidden either. And if your Science skill is high enough, you don't even have to attempt those. The argument you make isn't even particularly impressive and basically amounts to pointing out that since he was built by humans, his decisions can't be trusted and he should destroy himself and the Enclave. You can convince President Eden to kill himself with just two mid-level Speech checks.Does Charon's contract actually allow him to rebel against the Lone Wanderer if he’s attacked and refuse to activate Project Purity (if Broken Steel is not installed) or is he actually able to somewhat resist his brainwashing when he’s pushed past his limits?.Are those "rivals" as bad as Calvert, or are they actual good people? While he is technically the good guy in Point Lookout storyline ( he doesn't turn against you if you side with him during the quest, while Calvert does if you betray Desmond), it's never clear whereas he is merely an incredibly rude Good Is Not Nice character, or a Villain of Another Story: if he is still alive after you kill Calvert, he states he'll then go after other rivals of him, with no other details.

boss load order fallout 3

  • We don't learn much about Desmond Lockheart's goals, beside he is chasing his old nemesis Calvert and is looking for data in Calvert's lab.
  • The Lyons Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel gets this from a lot of fans given the traditionalist fans support of the Outcasts.

    Vance: an altruistic man who uses old legends to motivate cannibals to reform and gives them new lives free from persecution, or a delusional nutcase who brainwashes people to forcibly conscript them into his "Family"?.imply he really does feel bad about what he's doing, but also that he's proud of what he's doing in the name of progress. Is Ashur really a Well-Intentioned Extremist who wants to try and use the Pitt to make a better future for its people, or is he just as evil as his Raider minions and trying to rationalize his actions by claiming that they're Necessarily Evil? Script notes in the G.E.C.K.

    Boss load order fallout 3